Television: The Greatest Educator (NOT)

The boob tube is not a god around our house, nor do we consider it one of Satan's pawns, but we have cut way back in our partaking of this entertainment for our eyes. In an attempt to teach my boys how to think on their own instead of just barking out orders all the time, I will often remind Kaden when he wants to watch TV that he doesn't learn much from those shows he likes and he would be better off creating something or reading a book. Well, as with every conversation that I have with my first-born-strong-willed-just-like-me child I, of course, am wrong. He can think of a list of things that he has learned from his favorite shows and makes it a point to set me straight.

So today when I was having a proud Mommy moment watching my two sons participating in their own creative play, and I asked where Kaden had learned about that, he says, "On Qubo". See I do learn things on TV!" Well, excuse me Mommy! I know nothing as you can tell!

This particular thing they had learned had to do with Kings and boxes going to the moon. This all makes sense once you see the pictures right?

So, as I humbly learn more and more that I know absolutely nothing and my influence on my little guys slips away through the years, I will keep prodding towards the right decisions (and not turning the TV on during the week - I don't care what lecture Kaden thinks up!). I sure hope they remember that I taught them some of the things they know. That TV might give them some so-called "learning", but it sure can't hold them, pray with them and cook them food!


AnnaMeadows said...

So... did I miss something? Since when did you get a personal blog??

Anonymous said...

OK - this one made me teary...washed my contact right out of my eye. Seriously! You're a great mom. Keep loving those will come back to bless you. I promise! :) ~Mom

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